Installation instructions for
the wall system

Watch the video or read the step-by-step installation instructions below.

Installation PlanningWatch the video or read the step-by-step installation instructions below.
Pre-planning the number of walls and their placement for the installation area is a prerequisite for an efficient implementation. Once the protective needs of the area have been determined by Cramo's planning, the correct number of various-sized wall modules can be delivered to the site, taking into account the placement requirements for doors and other features.

Delivery of Walls to the Construction Site
The walls are delivered to the construction site on transport frames (VEPE 460110), 8 pieces per frame. Doors and adapter walls (60 cm, 50 cm, and 30 cm) are in the same frame.

Installation Accessories
Installation is primarily done without tools. Still good to have with:
- Spirit level
- Sealing tape
- Pipe insulation material
- Utility knife
- Saw

Installation is primarily done by a team, which speeds up and streamlines the process. Installation can be done alone, but the weight of the walls (100 cm wall 26 kg, door 30 kg) is easier to handle with two people.

Starting the Wall / First Module
Wall installation starts from the side of the space to be partitioned, from its right edge. The wall is initially positioned on the desired wall line. Insulation like foam rubber, pipe insulation, or tape is placed between the room's wall and the installation wall.

After lifting and securing, the wall's straightness is checked before installing the next element, both vertically and in the wall's direction. The tightening sequence of eccentric fasteners can affect whether the first wall is leaning, which in turn affects the installation of the following walls.

Lifting, Locking, and Tightening
When the first wall is in the desired line, the upper element is lifted slightly so that the locks can be opened and the upper element can be lifted against the ceiling. The element is pushed tightly against the ceiling by hand, and the locks are allowed to engage under the spring's pressure. The lock locks into the nearest hole of the profile. Ensure that the locking pin is in place and securely attached. The wall is tightened against the ceiling using eccentric handles on the lower part of the element. During the tightening of the first wall, ensure with a spirit level that the wall is vertical and aligned with the installation direction of the next wall.

Attaching the Next Wall Module
The next wall is lifted sideways to the side of the previous wall's hinges, first aligning the upper hinge and inserting the hinge pin into the spike at the top, followed by fitting the lower hinge into place. The wall is then rotated on the hinges to align with the installation line, which seals the walls against each other. If necessary, the walls are tightened to each other using an installation-side fixing plate.

Door Installation
The door module is lifted similarly to the wall, sideways to the side of the previous wall's hinges, lowered, and rotated into the installation line. Tightening and securing with a flange plate. The door is left-handed and opens outward. The door locks in two positions, similar to a balcony door, and opens in one position.

Installation of the Upper Part Above the Door
A standard-width polycarbonate sheet is cut to fit the space above the door and is attached to the U-channel on the upper frame of the door using sealing tape, as well as to the aluminum profile of the adjacent upper elements using separate U-channels. The strips seal the polycarbonate sheet, which already has sealing tapes, to the adjacent walls. The upper sealing against the ceiling is done with pipe insulation or a similar material. Depending on the situation, sealing can also be done with tape.

If the precise location of the door is not determined, it can be positioned where there are air ducts or other obstacles in the ceiling. In this case, the polycarbonate sheet needs to be cut to fit the shape and sealing is done using insulation or tape.

Ending the Wall and Adjustment Walls
To neatly finish the partition wall against the opposite wall, the required number of walls should be calculated in advance. Adjustment walls are calculated if the remaining space for the last wall is less than 100 cm. The installation of adjustment walls is done the same way as standard walls.

Sealing of Edges
Both edges of the partition wall are sealed with foam rubber, pipe insulation, or tape.

Special Cases
Cables, ventilation ducts, etc.
Cables, ventilation ducts, and other necessary components for repair work can be introduced into the area by making a hole in the desired wall element, installing a passage collar, and sealing it. After the project is completed, a punctured polycarbonate panel can be replaced during maintenance at an additional cost.

Dropped Ceiling
A dropped ceiling slows down the installation, as wall elements cannot be tightened against it. For this reason, a sturdy frame made of, for example, 2x4 boards is needed, which is preferably supported by the upper, solid ceiling. The walls are then installed within this frame. Due to the dropped ceiling, the space cannot be made dust-tight, as dust can pass through the ceiling space.

Ventilation Ducts and Others
Ventilation ducts running in the ceiling are obstacles that prevent partition walls from being tightened against the ducts. In this case, the wall is lifted against the duct and attached to the adjacent wall. However, the wall is stable if the walls on both sides of the duct can be tightened against the ceiling. The hinged attachment of the walls keeps the walls in place where the duct is located.

The upper part is sealed with a fitting plate cut from a polycarbonate sheet and pipe insulation or tape to fit the area.

Dismantling starts from the installation side, starting from the left side when viewed from the installation side, in the reverse order of installation. First remove the flange plate and open the eccentric handles. Now the upper element can be lifted slightly so that the spring lock pins can be opened. Turn the element slightly on the hinges so that the sealing surfaces are loosened and the upper element can be lowered to its lowest position. After this the element can be lifted from the hinges and taken to the transport frame.

Dismantling into Transport Frames
All wall elements are dismantled into transport frames, 8 pieces per frame. The wall element is placed in the frame in such a way that the aluminum strip in the left profile, as viewed from the installation side, is facing upwards to prevent the profile from bending as it rests against the frame's floor. Make sure that the hinge is not resting on the frame horizontal bar.

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